Although arthritis can come at any age it is most common at our old age. The one that usually afflicts people the most as they get older is osteoarthritis. This is a degenerative form of this disease and is caused by wear and tear.
What is osteoarthritis? This is when the synoval fluid in the joint capsule starts to decrease and dry up. The cartilage in the joint gets worn down until you have the bare bones rubbing together. This results in damage and wearing down of the bone. The joint will become stiff and painful.
Stem Caster
In order to relieve arthritis symptoms and deal with arthritis it is necessary to eat a good diet. This should include whole grain foods rather than refined foods. You should try to take at least one serving a day of omega 3 in the form of fish or a supplement. Omega 3 has been found to help with inflammation. You should also drink plenty of water, 8 glasses a day is the recommended amount. Be sure to cut down junk food and sodas. Replace with fruits, vegetables and water.
Daily exercise is essential to keep your joints mobile. If you can use a treadmill or take a brisk walk around the block on a daily basis it is one of the best forms of exercise. However sometimes this cannot always be done.
Alternatively water exercises in the form of swimming can be very beneficial as the water will take the weight off your joints and allow greater mobility. A static bike can also be good. I have found this very successful. Again this takes the weight off your joints and allows you to develop muscle in your legs.
Massage is a good pain reliever, especially if you have arthritis in your hands. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, which can come at any age you may consider using caster oil when you massage the joint. Heat pads can also help. Some people use hot and cold compresses alternatively for 20 minutes each.
It is wise to try to keep your weight down as being heavy can aggravate knee joint pain. This is because your knees bear a lot of your body weight, every extra pound you have will be 5 pounds of extra strain on your knees.
A joint supplement that I have found useful for improving joint health and relieving some of the symptoms of arthritis is glucosamine and chondroitin combined with vitamin D and MSM. This will help your joints to start making more synoval fluid in the joint capsule; it will also help to repair damaged cartilage.
When you use these natural methods you will find you get some relief from the painful symptoms of arthritis and you will be able to move about better. Just because you are older does not mean that arthritis has to stop you from enjoying life.
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