Most of the organic ice-cream available today from supermarkets and ice-cream vans certainly fills you up with sugar, preservatives and colourings. For years the consumer has put up with the same flavours and names. As the UK has become more continentally aware it is not only coffee and croissants that we have come accustomed to, there is the delicacy of home-made organic ice-cream. It is made from 100% organic ingredients.
Nothing is more satisfying than coming home from a hard day's graft to finish off the evening meal with a forest fruits organic ice-cream. Of course it is more expensive, but the taste is sensational as if you are in the forest. There are no additives, preservatives, colourings or trapped air better known as soft ice-cream to be lumbered with. In the summer months you can pinch wild growing blackberries from just about anywhere the sun shines. Other favourites are loganberries, raspberries and blueberries. Berries are notoriously expensive wherever purchased, but one could try more acquired tastes such as mint liquor or even...champagne! A more realistic and healthier scenario is looking a little closer into your own garden and asking yourself what else there is edible and compatible for ice-cream? Carrots instead of the carrot cake and violets. Violets? Yep that's right from the flower beds without the stalks of course. Besides all fruits come from the flower anyway.
Stem Caster
Instead of utilising your garden's fruits for conserves and jams, it would be more appropriate to make use of the fresh fruit whilst it is still fresh and retains most of its vitamins. Leave the Kilner jars and Muslim wraps in the dresser this summer and make use of the fruits in your garden for lovely home-made organic ice-creams.
Soft Fruits Recipe
To serve four people 400g of your desired soft fruit freshly picked from an organic farm, 400 ml of organic double cream and 200g of organic caster sugar and a squirt of a lemon. Throw all into the blender and pour into the ice-cream maker. It will churn the cream whilst being chilled in a chill pot. As you eat the evening meal you can hear the sound of the ice-cream machine's turbine turn and turn until...your home-made organic ice-cream is ready for consumption. Super!
Champagne or Liquor based Recipe
To serve four people 1/2 litre of Champagne, 150g caster sugar and 250 ml of double cream
Carrot Recipe
To serve four people 350g of blended carrots, 150g caster sugar, 250 ml of double cream, 3 teaspoons of maraschino and the juice from 1 1/2 lemons
Violet Recipe
To serve four people 250g of violets (no stems), 175g of caster sugar, 200ml of double cream, 200 ml of milk and juice from one whole lemon